Accessorize Outfits For Holiday Pictures

Accessorize Outfits for Holiday Pictures: Elevate Your Festive Style

When the holidays roll around, one of the most delightful traditions for many of us is taking festive photos that capture the joy and spirit of the season. These snapshots of happiness preserve our precious moments, and looking your best is something everyone desires. Accessorizing your outfits can be the magical touch that elevates your holiday pictures from nice to unforgettable.

Tips for Choosing the Right Accessories

Accessories should complement your outfit, not compete with it. The key is to strike a balance – be festive, but not over the top. Think about textures, colors, and sparkle. You want your accessories to add a touch of holiday cheer without overwhelming the senses.

1. Think About the Overall Theme

Before diving into your jewelry box or rummaging through your collection of scarves and hats, consider your holiday photo’s theme. Is it a cozy indoor setting by the fireplace, or will you be outside embracing the winter chill? The setting can help determine the right accessories for your outfits. Cozy, indoor settings pair well with softer, more subtle pieces, while bold and colorful items can stand out beautifully against the stark backdrop of the great outdoors.

2. Color Coordination is Key

During the festive season, traditional colors like red, green, gold, and silver are always in vogue. You can choose accessories that match these tones or opt for complementary colors if your outfit is already in one of these hues. If you’re wearing a red dress, for example, gold or silver jewelry can add a lovely contrast without clashing.

3. Add Sparkle in Moderation

The holidays are the perfect time for a little extra shine, but remember, a little goes a long way. Choose one focal point for your sparkle, be it earrings, a necklace, or a hair accessory, to ensure your look remains sophisticated. It will catch the light beautifully in photos without becoming too distracting.

4. Play with Textures

Woolen scarves, velvet ribbons, and leathery belts – holiday accessories come in a range of textures that can add depth to your pictures. Imagine a soft cashmere scarf paired with a sleek dress, or a glossy silk tie against a crisp shirt. These combinations create visually interesting elements that can make your holiday pictures pop.

5. Don’t Forget Functional Accessories

Especially if you’re taking photos outdoors, remember to consider the colder weather. Stylish gloves, elegant hats, and chic boots not only keep you warm but can also serve as fabulous accessories in your holiday photos. Just make sure they coordinate with your outfit!

Accessorizing for Different Occasions

Depending on whether you’re aiming for a formal family portrait or a casual candid shot, your approach to accessorizing will vary.

Casual Looks

For a more relaxed photo, start with a warm knit hat or a fun printed scarf. Add a leather watch for a touch of sophistication or opt for some festive socks peeking out from your shoes. A statement belt can also add a dimension to your outfit without looking too formal.

Formal Attire

If you’re dressing up, cufflinks, tie clips, or a pocket square for men can provide that extra bit of elegance. For women, a statement necklace, a brooch, or a cocktail ring can elevate a dress or a sophisticated blouse and trousers combo. Remember to match these with your shoes and clutch for a cohesive look.

Avoiding Common Accessorizing Mistakes

While accessorizing can enhance your outfit, some common missteps can detract from the final result.

1. Over-accessorizing

As mentioned earlier, less is often more with accessories. You don’t want to be seen battling with your baubles rather than presenting a polished festive appearance. Choose wisely and sparsely.

2. Ignoring Comfort

You might be tempted to wear the most extravagant earrings or the highest heels for your photo, but if you’re uncomfortable, it’ll show in your face and posture. Prioritize comfort, especially for pictures where you might be standing or posing for an extended period.

3. Overlooking Proportions

If you’re petite, huge statement necklaces or scarves may overwhelm your frame. Similarly, if you’re very tall, tiny, delicate pieces may get lost. Consider your body type and choose accessories that are proportionate to you.

Avoiding Overly Trendy Pieces

Holiday photos are often looked back on for years to come; you don’t want to look at them and wonder what you were thinking with a particular fad. Aim for classic and timeless accessories that will not date your photos.

Family Coordination Without Being Matchy-Matchy

If you’re taking family photos, it’s great to have a sense of unity in the styling, but you don’t have to match exactly. Instead, coordinate through a consistent color palette or by choosing accessories from the same style family. Imagine one person with a burgundy hat, another with a burgundy belt, and a third with a subtle burgundy tie – coordinated, but individual.


Accessorizing for holiday pictures doesn’t have to be daunting. With a bit of thoughtfulness and creativity, you can add that extra sparkle to your festive wardrobe and create photo-ready looks that are both elegant and joyous. Remember, the holidays are a time to celebrate and enjoy, so pick the pieces that make you feel good. Let your accessories speak to your personality, complement your outfit, and ultimately help capture the wonderful holiday moments you’ll cherish for years to come.